Limited Stay Permit Card or Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (KITAS) is intended for foreign citizens who work, study, or unite families in Indonesia so that they can live in Indonesia and must be extended once a year.

  • Limited Stay Permit Card or Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas (KITAS) is intended for foreign citizens who work, study, or unite families in Indonesia so that they can live in Indonesia and must be extended once a year.
  • 1 month, 2 to 6 months, and 1 year and can be extended 5 times.
  • Foreign citizens for activities of work, study, family union and others.
  • Passport scan with at least 18 months validity period, last diploma scan, insurance scan, red and white background photo scan, work contract scan, work experience scan minimum 5 years, Full Dose Vaccine Scan. (Scans of Recommendations from educational institutions for Learning Activities), (Scans of Marriage Certificates and Birth Certificates for Family Unification Activities).
  • Apply HPK/RPTKA, Notification/IMTA, VISA 312/317/316.
  • Maximum 20 working days.
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